
Birdhouses for Biodiversity


As a class identified a locally significant issue affecting our community related to climate change and sustainability and came up with a solution to address it. Connected to the 17 United Nations Global Goals, we considered a few options including educating and re-vamping the school’s recycling program to include soft plastics; designing and building flower garden beds to promote pollination to increase biodiversity and support bees; or possibly creating a public art piece from collected school recycled products. On our land walks, we noticed a lack of bird activity. Ultimately, we decided on this guiding question, “How can we make our community more bird friendly to support our local biodiversity?”


From this we created a collaborative Power Point presentation about the significance of birds, their needs for survival, threats to their survival and suggestions for solutions. We built bird houses to support their habitat needs and create canvases of our favourite local birds. Perhaps you’ll notice some of the ones painted flying around? After weeks and weeks of learning, building and practicing, Division 5 presented at a conference.

It is our hope that this project will build more awareness about sustainability, more relationship with our environment and spearhead continued action within our school and local community to address climate change concerns and take small actions that could be a big help to our little bird friends.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
15. Life on Land
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