
Church Street Spice Garden and Indigenous Planting Project


As urbanites, our students too seldom get their hands in the dirt and their eyes off the screens on a project that falls between carbon capture and inner-city sustainable growing.

Our indoor, hyper-low-wattage LED track lighting in grow frequencies is the incubator to kick-start our seedlings through the early spring. Then they’re transplanted outside and will surround a Three Sisters Garden centrepiece, where plants symbiotically support each other.

Growing strong and providing food while connecting the food web and other curriculum expectations in science, this project will focus students on the future and how every action, each small act, leaves a mark.


Taking hundreds of seedlings from winter seeds to spring seedlings, summer to planter to outdoor tranquil heat and carbon sink in an inner city space, this garden will help students to apply ecology in a truly hands-on, project-based action plan that lasts all year.

Reflection & Celebration

Students were thrilled…it’s still launching and the best is yet to come!

2. Zero Hunger
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
10. Reduced Inequalities
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
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