
Climate Club Vincent Massey High School


Our Climate Club Vision is to educate and encourage the students and staff at Vincent Massey to get involved in helping with Climate Change. We have adopted the motto “The Greatest Threat to our Planet is the Belief that Someone Else will save it” – Robert Swan


Our action plan consisted of organizing many school-wide events to educate and encourage others to get involved. We did two school yard and surrounding area clean-ups that over 150 participated in. We also did a club member-only clean-up by partnering with the McDonald’s that is located next to our school. We cleaned the area around McDonald’s and the route to and from it that our students take. We did two Recycle Week Blitzes, where we collected recycled materials. We organized a Read Around the World Day where classes read about Climate issues for 20 minutes each period. If we read enough as a school to travel around the world, four trees would be planted on our behalf. We did daily morning announcements with statistics and suggestions as to how everyone could help. We did a sticky note board where students wrote what they were doing to help with climate Issues. We hosted a Bingo and Sold Holiday Gnomes made out of repurposed and recycled materials. Profits went to helping pay for the Sharing Circle/Outdoor classroom that we are building. We attended the Brandon University eco-lutions conference and went on a Brandon Landfill and Recycling tour. We created displays, posters and videos about issues that were important for us to educate others on throughout the year.

Reflection & Celebration

We had a great year. All of our events were a success. Many staff, students and residents have commented on how they appreciate what we have accomplished. Our club membership doubled this year.


Read all about our club here!

3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
13. Climate Action
15. Life on Land
17. Partnerships for the Goals
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