Climate Club Vincent Massey High School
Our vision is to educate and get as many students and staff at Vincent Massey involved in creating a healthy city and environment. We want to bring recognition to a concern that anyone can help resolve. Our mission is to inspire students and staff and to be a leader in helping the environment. We will educate our school to support and contribute to best practices.
Our action includes educating students and staff through posters, announcements and events that they can participate in. We successfully organized three events.
1. Read around the World – School participated and read around the world – Four trees were planted on our behalf
2. School and surrounding area clean up. We were able to collect 53 bags of garbage and 6 bags of recycling in an hour
3. Recycling Blitz – We challenged the whole school to bring in recycling for a week. At the end of the week, we had a Recycle the Teacher Challenge that students groups competed to dress up a teacher with the material that was recycled during the week.
We were able to purchase three trees to plant in the school grounds this year. Our ultimate goal is to create an outdoor classroom for all to enjoy.
Reflection & Celebration
We had a very successful semester. We just started the Climate Club in February and we have increased our membership from 4 to 8. Our events were all successful and we received a lot of recognition from the staff, students and surrounding residents. We will continue to grow our club and educate the school on how each and every person can help make a change.
Check out this slideshow of our project!