Composting, Rain Barrels, and Gardens
Our Green Team was formulated this year. Our school as a whole had started composting last year which our Green Team took over. We wanted to use a renewable water source (rain water) instead of city water to water our many plants in the school and gardens to decrease water waste. We wanted to plant flower gardens that are specifically meant to attract many varieties of pollinators and herbs for use next year.
The green team has taken over the composting by emptying the bins every day, having composting challenges to help encourage classrooms to remember to compost what we can instead of throwing it in the garbage and we clean the bins thoroughly every friday.
We will be installing 3 sets of rain barrels to collect enough rain water to sustain our plants indoors and outdoors. This will have a huge impact on water waste in the school.
Lastly we have planted 3 different garden beds. One group planted flowers that are said to attract bees, one group hummingbirds and one group butterflies. Our project for this year will be to evaluate if these flowers do in fact attract mostly the specific pollinators listed or do they attract all pollinators equally.
We have also planted chamomile, lemon balm and lavender to use next year as dried herbs. We will hopefully be able to harvest enough to make anti anxiety sachets for the students to use in class, make calming teas and learn to make natural healing ointments!
Reflection & Celebration
The Green Team is so excited for these projects and the impact these will have in our environment and community! We hope to lead by example and encourage our family and friends to follow suit with these easy solutions and projects to help save the earth!! Our seeds have already grown and we will transfer outside into our garden beds after the long weekend!!