
Courtyard Vegetables and Planter Boxes


Our vision is that more community and household gardens within urban settings provide fresh, local, affordable produce to those that need it. It is our hope to either have the produce used in our foods class to donate the harvest to local families in need. With an increase in more local produce, there is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, as transportation of goods is limited. Furthermore, there is a reduction in packaging that is commonly used for produce purchased at grocery stores. Another consideration of the class was that many financially disadvantaged families consume more processed food due to how relatively inexpensive it is compared to healthier options.


The AP Psychology class sourced a local builder who was contracted to build the cedar planter boxes. Afterwards, they decided upon the various vegetables that would be suitable to grow. Finally, they sourced other necessary items locally, like garden tools and an automatic watering system.

Reflection & Celebration

This was a very worthwhile project for the class who thought critically about an issue and the environmental ramifications of something as simple as buying produce from the grocery store. They were passionate and engaged in both the LSF sessions and the project planning and execution. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and subsequent school closure coupled with a construction project that affects the intended space for the planter boxes, the celebration has been postponed.

1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-Being
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
15. Life on Land
17. Partnerships for the Goals
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