
Creating a Pollinator Garden


Our students have demonstrated a deep understanding of climate change and its effects during their inquiry research. With this in mind, we have looked for actions that we could take as a class. Students also identified the lack of biodiversity on our school grounds as a cause for concern.


Our students designed and planned a garden with a focus on planting flowers and herbs that would attract pollinators – bees, butterflies and birds. Students planted seeds, starters and a dogwood tree. Students chose a variety of wildflowers, laid out tires, installed the cedar garden boxes, filled the beds with dirt and then planted. They have continued to take care of the garden and monitor it, along with adding more seedlings and starters as they are ready. We chose to do this project for various reasons.

Reflection & Celebration

Students were leaders in giving other classes a tour of the garden’s progress and explaining which plants were planted and why. Students will continue to add to the garden as we finish the year – including creating butterfly art to line the fence behind and adding additional raised beds.


Check out our school post!

3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
13. Climate Action
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