Gibson Garden Boxes
Our Green Team noticed that we only have 4 garden boxes at our school with 19 divisions. Due to our size, the team realized there was not enough garden boxes for students to grow food or be a part of the garden experience at Gibson. We usually have two classes, one older and a younger class to work in a garden box. Last year we only had 5 divisions using the gardens actively. The goal this year was to create 2 more garden boxes at the back of the school, to create more green space, make another beautiful area in the school, and get more students involved in the gardening experience. By purchasing these garden boxes, classes could get engaged in the growing process, watch their vegetables grow, and be outside in nature.
Purchasing the garden boxes relates to sustainability as it makes students realize that they can easily grow food. The hope with the Green Team is that if kids can grow food at school maybe they will grow things at home too. When students start to realize how things grow they may start to realize that we live in a huge farming community. Hopefully, these students will understand that we grow so many different vegetables in our area and the importance of buying local. The creation of the garden boxes relates to climate change as they are developing more green space and getting students outside more to enjoy the amazing environment we live in. By having the students gardening, they will understand how much time and care is needed to produce fresh fruit and vegetables. It also encourages students to start growing their own vegetables at home and realize not to take food for granted and create waste. By growing food naturally, it teaches the students that fertilizers are not needed to grow food.
As mentioned before the Green Team felt that more gardens boxes would get students involved outside with nature, be able to learn about gardening, and grow healthy vegetables.
This action project is important for the community because the students are creating another beautiful green space at the back of the school. The gardens will be cared for by the classes and it shows that we are learning, and respect the boxes, and make it a beautiful area. By creating healthy gardens our hope is that people in the community will see our garden boxes and be inspired to build their own garden beds in their backyards. The Green Team loves our school and would be so pleased if they could make the school nicer and could inspire other people in our community to garden as well.
Reflection & Celebration
Currently, we do not have the garden boxes yet as they are still in shipment. However, the students are very excited for the boxes to come and trying to grow some vegetables before the summer begins. We are looking forward to the arrival and the great learning that will take place outside.