Holy Rosary’s Grade 5/6 Pollinator Garden
Our vision was to create a pollinator for our school to attract beneficial bugs, butterflies, and honey bees to our native perennial flower and wild grass garden.
We learned about the difference between what is nutritious soil that is alive and what is poor, nutritionally deficient soil that is dead. We found out that soil with many insects and microorganisms is alive and beneficial to the growth and health of plants. We studied worms and set up a vermi-composter in our class to create a compost of castings to grow flowers from seed and then to plant and fertilize flowers naturally in the ground for our garden.
Reflection & Celebration
This project is ongoing to increase the size of our garden and to set up a permanent outdoor learning classroom for all classes to study native plants and insects, and pollinators. Increasing the size of our garden will increase the green space in our mostly asphalt schoolyard and will make our playground cooler with more plants and trees that give off oxygen. We will be celebrating our garden as a class with a picnic and then invite other classes to do the same. We will continue learning and educating our kinder buddies and our parents on the importance of soil and how to make a sustainable native garden that has lower water needs and is beneficial to local insects and pollinators.