Learning Garden Project
The students and staff of the grade 9 applied English and Science classes, as well as the Hayden Eco Club, partnered with the school library and Burlington Public Library staff to plant a “learning garden.”
The tech classes created plaques to post in the garden identifying the plants and describing the benefits of having the plants in our local ecosystem. The idea is that patrons coming to use the community centre and library, as well as Hayden students, will be able to enjoy and learn from the garden. This relates to climate change because invasive species are on the rise, in part due to climate change. Ensuring native plant species are planted helps local pollinators such as monarch butterflies. The students of the Eco Club and grade 9 English and Science classes are passionate about the environment and were keen to put their passion into action with this project. The grade 9 applied English class researched native species and wrote APEC paragraphs advocating for their plant choice to be included in the garden. They went on a field trip to Terra Greenhouses to choose the plants. The grade 9 applied Science class measured the garden area, drew diagrams, took soil samples, and researched root systems. The Science class weeded and poured in fresh soil, and the English class planted the new shrubs. Because Hayden is attached to the Haber Recreation Centre and Alton Library branch it will be easy for the Hayden community and broader community to work on joint projects such as this in the future.
Use these links to check out some resources we created: APEC Garden Planning and our Library Space Diagram!