
Milliken Kindie Garden


Our vision is to create multiple opportunities for our students to engage on and with the land (plants, animals and all that are part of it) in order to learn from the interactions and connections that they observe and facilitate. Through centering Indigenous Knowledge Systems in our understanding of the natural world, we are hoping to create a community of learners who not only appreciate the interconnectedness of all living things but also understand how to exist in a reciprocal relationship with nature.


We bought planters and painted them according to the theme of “Truth and Reconciliation”. Our first planter commemorates the victims and survivors of residential schools and represents our promise to keep learning more about the people whose land we are on. This planter houses a pollinator garden and recognizes our interconnectedness with the land and beings on it. Our second planter carries on the theme of learning from Indigenous knowledge systems and represents our effort towards reconciliation with the land that we are on. This planter is home to a vegetable garden that will grow native vegetables such as corn, bean and squash, as well as vegetables that are enjoyed by the diverse community that we live in, such as tomatoes and the chayote plant. Our daycare program (K-6) has been partnering with the Kindergarten team to take care of the garden during the summer months. This action is part of our ongoing commitment to Indigenous Education through learning about the land and animals that we share this land with.

Reflection & Celebration

Learning about climate change is a bit complicated for Kindergarten and younger students. We have drawn on Indigenous Knowledge systems in order to connect our students with the land and centre their actions towards becoming better treaty partners in a larger understanding of climate change. This project has spanned an entire year so far and has set the foundations for continual growth and learning around reciprocity and climate change.


Learn more details here!

3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
13. Climate Action
15. Life on Land
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