Oak Learners Community Garden
We have been running our Urban Farming class for our day school students.
Our goal is to continue encouraging kids to ask questions and learn about how different plants grow, what they need to grow, and the ways we can use the plants that we have been nurturing.
This year, we’ve planted the following herbs, veggies and pollinator supporters:
Tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, broccoli, zucchini, summer squash, oregano, rosemary, sage, parsley, mint, chives, dill, marigolds, sunflowers, sensation rose, emerald blue; a mix of annuals and perennials that are mostly native or intended to attract pollinators!
During the process, we discuss with students the importance of farming and how we can work to reduce our carbon footprint. Our students have been enjoy learning these skills and understanding where their food comes from. Along with how different foods need different things to thrive (ie. how long they need to grow, how often to water, type of soil etc).
Reflection & Celebration
Many of our students have been curious about different foods which helped inspire this program. Using this as a starting topic to introduce nutrition and climate with students has encouraged lots of questions and learning about these topics! It has been a great term with continued growth and understanding!
We will continue to care for the garden into our summer camp months to inspire more students to learn about the process and benefits.