Pesto Pizza Local-Food Mealkits
Grades 5-7 ECO Club students decided to do a Climate Justice project after hearing that some kids at school didn’t have enough or healthy foods to eat over the weekends.
They created a pizza recipe using school-garden-grown parsley and green garlic, along with local-farm-grown green garlic, wild-harvested nettles, and BC-grown bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and red onions. The cheese and flour were Canada-grown. They tested the recipe at the community centre kitchen with some parent helpers and then helped 9 classes create the pesto and mealkits on April 20th, 2023 for Earth Day, and handed out 125 Mealkits to children who promised to cook for their families over the weekend. The school Principal made sure families who really needed the food were targeted, too. This was a stigma-free way for everyone to learn to cook for themselves and eat healthy, locally-grown foods.
Reflection & Celebration
It was a ton of fun! It’s expensive though to pay for meals for families up to 4 people, so we can’t do this every weekend.