
Planting for our Futures


Our students want to protect our earth! They are passionate about conservation and wildlife as well as reducing their carbon footprints.


Our students grew native plants in all of our classes (grades K-5) at Donald Fraser Memorial School. They recorded data on plant growth and included several variables (water amounts, water temperature, sunlight vs lamplight, and watering frequencies). Students asked high school carpentry students to build them flower boxes from lumber donated from our local mill. Once the flowers were planted, students recorded bee activity and shared their data with younger students. They also taught the primary students about pollination.

In addition to this project, students in grades 3-5 created their own climate action projects to be shared at our science fair on June 15th. Some projects include: planting trees (467 spruce seedlings), saving water, using wind energy for sports and transportation, cleaning oil spills, cooking food in solar pizza box oven, community roadside clean up, growing their own food (garden tower), and replacing plastic straws and utensils in the school cafeteria with metal, etc.

Reflection & Celebration

It has been amazing to watch our students become passionate about protecting the earth! They have been so engaged in their research and action plans and eager to share their knowledge with others. We cannot wait to take this to the next level if we receive additional funding!!

2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
15. Life on Land
17. Partnerships for the Goals
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