Pollinator Garden
I wanted this to be a student project. We have been exploring the SDG’s all year and doing the workshop helped us explore some of the environmental SDG’s more closley. After the workshop on how to create an action project, I gave my class the opportunity to think back to our SDGs and come up with ideas of different action projects we could do. Then the students made their own grant proposal and presented them to the class. One group presented a pollinator garden. They explained the importance of pollinators in the world and how our school would benefit from the garden.
By having a garden we will continue to impact the community. Pollinators impact our lives every day. The food on our table and plants living and surviving are thanks to pollinators.
Reflection & Celebration
This is a project that will continue to grow. We hope to use our microbit to measure when pollinators visit our garden. We hope to continue to explore and learn about plants. My students learnt how to plan and present a grant proposal. They are excited to continue to explore the SDGs