Veggie/Pollinator Garden Extraordinaire!!
To completely refresh our raised garden and the two front school gardens to inspire more biodiversity and sustainability in our school yard!
The students researched and learned about sustainability and biodiversity. Then they did research about native pollinator plants and vegetables that would grow well in our full-sun, raised garden. They also researched different bird feeder and bird bath designs. They drew pictures of their designs, and as a class, we put all of the designs up on the wall and discussed them. We chose one main design for our veggie/pollinator garden and then we used some of the other pollinator ideas for the front two gardens of the school. The teacher bought all of the items at the gardening centre, and then as a class, they planted all three gardens, mulched the front two beds, and set up the new bird feeders and bird baths. Just awesome learning and building experience for everyone!
Once done, we told the rest of the school community about our gardening projects so that they could enjoy them too and have a closer look 🙂 We also made a morning announcement about the gardens and put a blurb in the school newsletter.
Reflection & Celebration
So now that everything has been planted, we have set up a maintenance schedule for watering and filling the bird feeders. We planted carrots, broccoli, and brussels sprouts which we will look forward to eating and celebrating together in the Fall. In the meantime, we are going to start keeping track of the birds, bugs, and wildlife that are visiting our garden areas. That’s how we are going to measure the biodiversity of those areas. Very exciting!