


Our school was able to create two vermicomposting bins! Students realized that with our daily breakfast program, we were creating lots of food scraps that were entering the landfill and could be used in a better way. Our school does not have the space to create an outdoor compost – so we decided that vermicomposting was the way to go!


The Green Action Centre came and provided us with information about the Red Wriggler Worms and how to create and maintain a compost. We had 22 Junior High students sign up to be a part of the compost crew that comes around every day to collect the breakfast waste from the classrooms.

Reflection & Celebration

We only just started but so far it has been a huge success and students in every grade are excited about the worms and making sure they are well taken care of.

3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
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